Blog 5: A Meal or Food You Really Enjoy

Italian food - Gnochi Hello everyone! In this blog I will talking about my favorite meal. In this case I speaks for the Italian food and different preparation.Gnocchi are a meal known all over the world, because of how tasty it is and because of the different preparations that can be made with their sauces. This meal is prepared a base the mass to base a potatoes, water, flour, milk, butter, egg and grated cheese. When you combine all products, you have a Gnocchi. This is a typical Italian food and remember me of the firts time I met the cajón del maipo with my dad. I was10 years old when I went to "El Manzano" for the firts time, a well-know part of "el cajón del maipo". In this restorant called "tratoría Calypso" we sat on the terrace because it was summer and of all the dishes in the restorant I ordered gnocchi al pesto for the fisrt time. I honestly liked them a lot and that's why I always ask for the same things