Blog 1: My personal Information
Personal Information: Hello everyone! I´m Diego Ramírez, I was born and raised in Santiago, in the Ñuñoa commun and I have 19 years old. All my family lives in Santiago. I live in two house because my parents are divorced. In my principal house I live with my mom, Lucía, and his partner Andrés. My mom is an Architect and works in a office architect in Providencia. In my others house, I live with my dad and his partner , Rebeca and my twins sister, who are 9 years old. Both houses are in Ñuñoa, so it is easy move from one house to other. I studied in a college in las Condes and when was child enjoyed play football and share with my college friend. Currently studying journalism in the Universidad de Chile and I am the second year student. Actually i do the same activities but with people of the university. To conclude mi first blog, I wanted to tell you that I have two dogs, one in each house, one is called "...
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